a midsummer night’s dream 2017

Costume Designer, Maker and Wardrobe Mistress

director David Roberts

assistant director Kay Roberts

tolethorpe hall shakespeare open air theatre

selected photographs by Laura Radford & Paul Moth

‘The work of all these invisible backstage magicians is what we see; the actors as characters, as real as real can be, speaking words with conviction and meaning, costumed (the costumes are marvellous), on a lit stage, in a setting, beguiling the audience. And first class it all is.’

Janet Smith
Sardines Review

‘Midsummer nights dream is always my favourite. The costumes, lights and comedy were fantastic this weekend’

Katlow Jampie
Trip Advisor Review

‘…in this colourful and decorative production… wearing a silvery-turquoise dress shaped like an upturned tulip Natasha Rose made a stunning impression in the role…’

Joe Conway
The Peterborough Evening Telegraph